Why Diversity Matters

In the workplace, diversity makes a difference. Whether it be a boost in creativity and innovation, a stronger sense of belonging, or an improvement to your company culture, diverse teams have proven to be very beneficial for employee well-being and organizational success. In these video clips and articles, you’ll learn about the many facets of why diversity matters, both in the workplace and beyond.

“Our ability to reach unity in diversity will be the beauty and the test of our civilization.”

― Mahatma Gandhi

Video by Katherine Phillips
We can learn and innovate more effectively — and understand the value of diversity — by making small changes in ourselves, says Katherine Phillips, Paul Calello Professor of Leadership and Ethics and Senior Vice Dean, Columbia Business School.

It’s not just a feel-good move; it’s good for business. Study after study has shown that diversity leads to more creative teams and increases a company’s bottom line.…companies ranking in the top quartile of executive-board diversity were 35% likelier to financially outperform the industry medians.

An excerpt from Forbes’ The Truth About Diversity and Why it Matters

With the spotlight on systemic racial injustices juxtaposed with changes in how companies operate due to the pandemic, an EdSurge article looks into how companies can go “from words to actions and meaningfully foster diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) after many rapidly converted to operating remotely due to COVID-19?

HonestCulture Staff Writer

Commissioned to write articles for our blog on various topics based on briefs we provide, HC Staff Writers are freelance writers with industry experience.


Amplifying Voices


Neurodiversity and Mental Health in the Workplace